Our Power BI methodology and tools have been built up over many years of practical experience advising organisations on how to drive their strategic Data & AI efforts.
Our PowerBI methodology and tools have been built up over many years of practical experience advising organisations on how to drive their strategic Data & AI efforts, from commercial companies establishing their first major initiatives to major Government Agencies trying to steer large processes in the right direction.
The strategy exercises are led by senior practitioners who have dedicated their careers to ensuring that organisations get the maximum value from their data. Due to our agility, we are not limited by historic technical constraints – we are aware of the disruption cloud capabilities are bringing to Data & AI and factor those changes into our advice and designs.
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Automation & Analytics Technologies for Business
Specialising in all compliance related processes, she has been trained to quickly learn specific compliance processes.
Build, test and implement Data Platform components - secure, efficient, flexible and cost effective.
Specialising in all customer-related processes, she has been trained to quickly learn specific customer processes.
Specialising in all invoice-related processes, he has been trained to quickly learn specific invoice-related processes.