Our Values


We provide highly technical services from a technology base that is constantly evolving. To ensure we are providing the best advice we make sure our team are properly certified in those technologies. We also follow product developments and engage in professional development with our partners to keep us ahead of the curve.

Above all we seek to employ the curious, the inquisitive – people who will be looking for the latest solutions and developments – so we can share that knowledge with our customers.


Quality for us comes in two forms: Business & Technology.

Technology Quality is meeting the simple expectation that our solutions work; they are robust, coded well and can handle the challenges thrown at them by operational use. We meet this through our technology experience and the tools and methodologies we apply to our delivery.

Business Quality is meeting the expectation that our solutions deliver the outcome the business needs to get value from the technology. There is no point building an excellent technical solution that does not help make life better. We meet this through our use of agile methodologies – and most importantly – close and continuous engagement with the customer.


A key function of our role is to provide new and improved solutions for our customers, leveraging the latest in technology and process. We challenge ourselves on every project to ask “how can this be done better”?

Technology is always evolving and offering us new ways to solve problems, and by leveraging our Expertise we aim to solve the problem sometimes customers didn’t know they had.

People Focus

Our last, but most important value is to maintain a People focus. What this means is that while we are offering technical solutions, those solutions are there to serve a person. It is there to make their life simpler, more efficient, better informed. This focus means we don’t get lost in the technology – we start with the end customer outcome in mind, and build a solution that is focused on that.


Our partners including Microsoft, UiPath, Databricks & Profisee enable us to deliver business outcomes using best of breed technologies and solutions.

Automation & Analytics Technologies for Business

Our Solutions

Automation Initiation
Automation Initiation
Your automation journey

Using our EPIC methodology guiding you to deliver outcomes quickly and cost effectively.

Invoice Automation Bot

Specialising in all invoice-related processes, he has been trained to quickly learn specific invoice-related processes.

Compliance Info Expert

Specialising in all compliance related processes, she has been trained to quickly learn specific compliance processes.

Modern Data Platform
Modern Data Platform
Build Data components

Build, test and implement Data Platform components - secure, efficient, flexible and cost effective.

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