Published: 06 Jul 2021 | Author: Matthew Oen

With the financial year-end looming, Talos hosted another UiPath Academy Live event in June to help introduce more businesses to the world of UiPath and RPA before heading into the new financial year. With more events scheduled in the coming months, this post recaps the June event, the feedback we got and what you can expect from the next Academy Live event.

What Is It?

UiPath Academy Live is a free half-day course designed by UiPath and delivered virtually to help managers, analysts and developers explore the basic capabilities of UiPath. Attendees learn about RPA, get familiar with the UiPath product, follow a step-by-step lab manual and talk about potential RPA opportunities with experienced consultants. Through guided learning, attendees can kickstart their RPA journey and create a functioning bot in a matter of hours. No matter what their capabilities are, the workshop is designed to be accessible by everyone in attendance.

The June event this year was loaded with attendees from a diverse range of industries and roles. From business analysts to project managers, Academy Live was a hit for all those in attendance looking to skill up in UiPath. From the Talos perspective, this was the ideal audience – a diverse range of attendees interested in seeing what RPA is and how UiPath works. The benefit of Academy Live is that it can help anyone who is interested in RPA development, and this was no more evident here with the variety of attendees.

From the feedback we collected, the most valuable part of Academy Live is the roundtable session. This is a unique session dedicated to helping attendees identify RPA opportunities at their business. The Talos team were on hand to deliver one-on-one advice with every participant, with questions ranging from a technical perspective to more opinion-seeking advice. This is the best part of Academy Live, and what makes this event like no other. The consulting team love automation, and seeing attendees talk about their opportunities for RPA was as exciting for them as it was us.

Another unique benefit of Academy Live is the showcase session. Towards the end of the event, the Talos team showcase some real-world UiPath RPA examples. The audience gets an inside look at how we understand RPA problems and how we use UiPath to solve them. Learning about the functionality of UiPath is one thing, but seeing how it is applied is where you truly realise the benefits

Why Should I Go?

UiPath Academy Live is an event like no other. Designed by UiPath and delivered by professionals, Academy Live introduces attendees to the world of RPA without overwhelming them with technical knowledge. Attendees learn the skills and best practices needed to develop successful UiPath RPA  solutions in their business, and leave with a custom bot that they have built on the day. Based on the positive feedback from attendees, these events have been instrumental in getting UiPath quickly adopted in several organisations.

If you want to know more about UiPath Academy Live events, please contact us for more information or check out our events page  for upcoming sessions.


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