A local government council faced significant data quality issues with their Name and Address Register (NAR). The NAR, being the council's primary dataset for citizen and property management, had accumulated numerous duplicate entries over time. These duplicates originated from various sources, including customer enquiries, form lodgments, and rates data. The council utilized the TechnologyOne CIAnywhere platform for their operations. However, their NAR deduplication process was manual, time-consuming, and prone to human error. This inefficiency impacted the council's ability to effectively manage services and interact with citizens. The council needed an efficient solution to clean up their NAR database without constant human intervention, so they could improve data quality and operational efficiency.

To address this challenge, we implemented an automated NAR deduplication process using the UiPath automation platform. This solution was designed to integrate with the council's existing TechnologyOne CIAnywhere system, automating the existing deduplication worksheet process. Our approach involved:

  • Reviewing the existing NAR data to identify what qualified as a duplicate
  • Developing business rules for identifying and resolving duplicates, setting primary address and so on
  • Implementing these rules within the UiPath automation framework

The automated solution applied the defined business rules to clean up the NAR database continuously using the CIAnywhere's built in functionality, transforming the deduplication process from a manual task to an efficient, background operation.

The implementation of the automated NAR deduplication process yielded several benefits for the council:
  • Improved data quality through consistent application of deduplication rules
  • Increased efficiency by eliminating manual deduplication tasks
  • Enhanced service delivery capabilities due to more accurate citizen data
The council achieved a more reliable and accurate citizen and property management system by transforming NAR deduplication into an automated background process. This improvement in data quality positively impacted the council's operations, from communication with citizens to service delivery and resource allocation.
Automation Initiation

Automation Initiation

Our data platform specialists are equipped with the tools, methodologies, and experience that help to enhance and expand your platform in a structured approach. We work with data platforms from design to implementation across all key technical components such as Data Lakes, Databases, ETL processes, Cubes and Reporting.

We provide clear timelines and expectations for what can be delivered and when, and what interactions are needed between the business and the technical team.

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